This is probably the most useful piece of writing I’ve read in rejection. I’ve said it before Jessica, but you inspire me to submit more! I especially appreciate your leaving in the moments (or more!) or feeling bummed. Of course we are all human. My goal now is to keep working toward more submissions, more rejections and more paper to paper the walls!

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Thank you for putting this in deeper perspective. At this point in my writing journey, I've lost count of how many rejections I've received so far. Many times, I shrug at them, because they prompt me to do more. Other times, though, the punch just sinks deeper.

In the end, it really is a process. My mom says something I keep close to me: it is the trials that add weight and colour to the testimony. When the acceptances come, it makes not giving up completely worth it. The 80/20 rule makes more sense, when you think of it this way. Keep writing is the mantra.

Congratulations on your acceptances this year 👏🏼

More wins!

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